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One on One Spiritual Intuitive Session



Accessing the Feminine and Masculine Energies inside us all

This session is about understanding how you personally (as an individual) are Masculine and Feminine and what that mix of masculine and feminine is for YOU.

Accessing the Feminine and Masculine Energies inside us all
Accessing the Feminine and Masculine Energies inside us all

Time & Location

One on One Spiritual Intuitive Session


About the event

This session is about understanding how you personally (as an individual) are Masculine and Feminine and what that mix of masculine and feminine is for YOU. 

Not the mix that has resulted from parental programming, or that which is expected by society, but that which is truly who you are and how you want to express yourself in the world.

The first part of this session will explore and balance the Feminine Energy. 

The second part of tthis session will explore and balance the Masculine Energy.

This session is aimed to give participants a deep sense of resolution, a profound understanding of yourself and others, as well as, creative resources that allows you to access the genius within.

Universal Mother – allows us to access Love, Creativity, Nurture and Understanding

Universal Father – allows us to access Power, Organisation, Boundaries and Confidence

This experience gives you access to your own relationship to your Femininity and Masculinity, Love and Power, Creativity and Order, Receptivity and Outgoingness, Nurture and Courage.


  • 4 hr Transformation Experience

    Accessing your Spiritual Balance VIP Experience




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